
Call for Papers

Following the successful organisation of the 1st International Workshop on Automation using Intelligent Intelligent Environments Paradigm (Guanajuato México, 2012), we are pleased to invite you to the 2nd Workshop on Automation using Intelligent Environments paradigm (A-IE’14) in conjunction with the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Environments in Shangai, China.

Intelligent Environments (IE) refer to physical spaces in which IT and other pervasive computing technology are woven and used to achieve specific goals for the user, the environment or both. IE enriches user experience, better manages the environment's resources, and increases user awareness of that environment.

Several aspects of Industrial Automation solutions can be improved using the paradigm of Intelligent Environments. For example improved man machine interfaces, training using intelligent e-learning techniques, augmented reality for in field equipment documentation to name a few. Industrial Automation present in most modern factories already include Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs), Sensors, Actuators in some cases networked to a centralized Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition system (SCADA). We could use these elements as part of Intelligent Environment solutions to lower the cost of implementation.

Areas of Interest

We expect submitted papers to be of a high quality describing original research and real world applications. Topics areas include (but are not limited to):

- Real world examples of automation infrastructures.

-Analysis of the state of the art

- Sensor and/or actuator networks.

- Software tools for building IE.

- New applications for using IE on factories.

- Virtual and mixed realities applications for training or automation.

- Integration technologies to take advantage of existing computer, sensor and actuator networks.

- Networking PLC’s.

- Security and Privacy issues for employees or machine operators.

- Detect presence of employees or machine operators.

- Innovative Human Machine interfaces.

- Pervasive computing (ubiquitous computing) in factories.

Programme Committee

to be announced soon

Format of Submissions

Your paper should be no more than 12 pages (for full papers) or 6 pages (for short papers). All papers accepted will be published by IOS Press. The format of the papers should adhere to the IOS publication guidelines. If you are interested some other type of submission, please contact the organizers.

Important Dates

Papers submission (For Review): 25th March 2014

Notification of acceptance: 25th April 2014

Papers submission (Final Version after review): 6th May 2014

Submission System

Previous workshops

AutomationIE '12, Guanajuato Mexico